Step-by-step instructions on how to configure the Multifunction Button on your FuelTech ECU. In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up the button to perform specific functions: acting as a line lock when wheel speed is 0 MPH and driveshaft RPM is at 0, serving as a staging button when the ECU is in 2-step mode, and functioning as the boost + scramble button when using the wastegate boost control feature under all other conditions. Follow our detailed instructions to ensure your Multifunction Button is optimized for every scenario on the track
To use these features, you will need to install several components in addition to you FuelTech ECU. These include:
👉 Staging / Brake Control Solid State Relay
👉 Boost Controller Dual Valve Kit
1. Open the FTMANAGER software, go to Inputs and configure your multifunction button and your 2-step button.
2. Next, go to Map Options and enable Brake Line Lock Control, Staging Control and Wastegate Boost Control.
3. Once you have those selected, click on Brake Line Lock Control under Drag Race Features and select Activation by Multifunction Button.
4. Next, go to your Outputs and configure your Line Lock Output.
5. Next, click on Wastegate Boost Control under Other Functions and set up your Boost + Scramble Button Increase.
By properly setting up the Multifunction Button on your FuelTech ECU, you’ll gain precise control over critical functions like line lock, staging, and boost + scramble, ensuring your vehicle is ready for the track. This configuration allows you to maximize performance, streamline your racing setup, and focus on what matters most, winning! If you have any questions or need further guidance, FuelTech’s expert tech support team is here to help.
Unlock the full potential of your setup and stay ahead of the competition with FuelTech.
Whether you're switching between E85 and pump gas or fine-tuning for maximum efficiency, proper Flex Fuel setup ensures your vehicle runs smoothly and efficiently. Follow our step-by-step instructions to harness the full potential of your FuelTech system.